Vsi mladi, ki so želeli biti v trendu, so vozili Tomos Automatic 3MS, krajše Automatic. V Sloveniji je dobil celo več nadimkov, kot so Frčo, Frčomatik ipd. Motocikel je poganjal 50 ccm3 agregat, ki je veljal za neuničljivega. Kljub temu da se motocikel Tomos Automatic 3MS ne proizvaja že več kot 30 let, ga lahko še vedno vidimo na ulicah na področju bivše Jugoslavije.
Ob naročilu napišite željeno velikost:
PLAKAT A3 (mali 29,7x42 cm): 30,00 €
PLAKAT B2 (srednji 50x70 cm): 45,00 €
PLAKAT B1 (veliki 100x70 cm): 55,00 €
Tomos Automatic 3MS motorcycle
Automatic motorcycle for modern youth.
All the trendy young people were driving Tomos Automatic 3MS, or shorter Automatic. It even earned several nicknames in Slovenia, including Frčo, Frčomatik, etc. The motorcycle was propelled by a 50ccm3 unit that was thought to be indestructible. Despite the fact that the Tomos Automatic 3MS motorcycle hasn't been manufactured in over 30 years, it can still be seen on the streets of the former Yugoslavia.
ⓒ JUS Project, Marmelada d.o.o.