Legendaren družinski avto je s časom začel služiti tudi potrebam pošte. V prepoznavni rumeni barvi je v času Jugoslavije predstavljal hitro dostavo pošte in paketov.
Ob naročilu napišite željeno velikost:
PLAKAT A3 (mali 29,7x42 cm): 30,00 €
PLAKAT B2 (srednji 50x70 cm): 45,00 €
PLAKAT B1 (veliki 100x70 cm): 55,00 €
Zastava 750 – Post Office
Postman's Fičo.
The legendary family car also began to serve the needs of the post office over time. Its distinctive yellow colour represented the quick delivery of mail and packages during the Yugoslav era.
ⓒ JUS Project, Marmelada d.o.o.